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newbie tip:
Sobald du einen Gegner siehst lade sofort nach, da der erste Schuss im Magazin doppelt zählt, das gilt aber nur, wenn das Magazin erst vor kurzem nachgeladen wurde.
Award Rankings


Achievement Award Bonus
Total Top
Top Player
Most Kills - - 12566 1551 tippex_tm
Most Deaths - - 12566 1056 tippex_tm
First To Kill - - 2454 368 tippex_tm
First To Die - - 2454 247 tippex_tm
Last To Kill - - 2336 356 tippex_tm
Last To Die - - 2336 214 tippex_tm
Highest K:D Ratio 10 top - 3.58 sturz
Most Kills per Round 0 - - 1.32 -->eX<--R@idion
Most Teammates Killed -5 all 225 14 Spontanious Death
Most Deaths by Teammates - - 225 17 Gismo das Opfer
Longest Kill Streak 10 top - 26 Gismo das Opfer
Longest Death Streak -10 top - 35 killer
Fastest Kills per Minute - - - 0.86 SiAn
Most Suicides -3 all 8 3 Deathman
Most Team Auto Switched - - 83 7 Gismo das Opfer
Last Man Standing - - 310 48 tippex_tm
Most Likely to Survive - - - 67.16% sturz
Most Bombs Planted 1 all 169 26 tippex_tm
Most Bombings 3 all 127 22 tippex_tm
Most Bombs Defused 6 all 39 12 tippex_tm
Most Bomb Defusal Attempts 1 all 59 20 tippex_tm
Most Hostages Touched - - 1446 585 tippex_tm
Most Hostages Saved 3 all 302 117 tippex_tm
Most Hostages Killed -1 all 241 14 axel
Most VIP Kills 5 all 85 12 tippex_tm
Most VIP Escapes 5 all 38 14 tippex_tm
Most Terrorist Escapes - - 3 2 PsychoDad
Most CTs Killed - - 5355 446 Hatschi
Most Terrorists Killed - - 7211 1187 tippex_tm
Most Rounds Played - - 3192 2179 tippex_tm
Most Rounds Survived - - - 1180 tippex_tm
Longest CT Career - - 1284 157 tippex_tm
Longest Terrorist Career - - 1434 127 alex
Largest Skill Bonus - - - 603 tippex_tm
Longest Game Session - - - 4h32m na$h
Most Time Online - - - 2d8h45m tippex_tm
Most Talkative - - 1071 270 #mYdIcK.D0c-FL0w

Bonus type all means all players receive the bonus everytime they achieve it.
Bonus type top means only the TOP ranking player receives the bonus.
Not all awards are given bonuses.


Copyright 2002 by digital-nerv.net / Disclamer